Your Beloved Topic #5: Review.

If you want to make a name for yourself, a huge community and a business you can make money with, the opportunity to do that are pretty much. Between game, fashion, cooking and travelling you can choose and be happy…even if there are for each and everyone of those topic dark sides you need to keep in mind. Today, however, i want to talk about a topic that it is not an immediate choice when we decide to become a content creator, especially a blogger. I am talking about becoming a reviewer.

If you have no idea what a reviewer does, it is a person that test, listen or watch something and give his/her opinion about the thing he/she has just tested, listened or watched. Out there there are quite a community around testing. One of the biggest personalities is for sure Marquez Brownlee and his Youtube Channel. He is able to make millions of views on every videos and his community is huge simply talking about this or that teck product. More than that, he is in the position to test and reviews every single piece of technology before it gets even into the market.

If you want to get where he is right now, you need a couple of things, because the opportunity to work with huge companies is not something that happens overnight.

Know how to express.

Before everything, the main goal a reviewer has is to inform people about the product tested. It doesn’t matter what it is, the point is that the review must be flawless, clear and easy to understand. In order to deliver a review that is clear and easy to understand you need two things: a proper language knowledge and the ability to say every words in the right way.

Having a proper language knowledge is not that easy. We all think to know all the words in our language, but we don’t. I speak italian, because i was born there, and i understand almost everything. However, there are time where i have hard time to follow what someone says, because sometimes there are words that are either too old and nobody use it, or there are very specific words that belong to a specific field where i have zero knowledge whatsoever. If you want to become a reviewer you need to make sure to know the right words to describe something in a specif field, otherwise you will never look reliable and competent. The right use of words can really make a huge difference between your success or your failure.

You can know all the necessary words to be good, but if you speak too fast or you are not able to say the words correctly, the entire effort you will try to make will br for nothing, because nobody will understand you correctly. I know people can use subtitles to understand better, but they are pretty annoying. If you want to give clear and easy information you need to make sure to speak correctly. With this in mind, some dictions exercises would not be that bad, because we think to pronounce words correctly, but sometimes we don’t. The better you speak, the higher are your chances to become something big.


If you want to review something, you need to know what are you talking about in the very little details. You have no idea who might read or watch what you have to say. it can be someone not very into the field or some freak who wants to know every single little details. You must be ready to talk about whatever that product is about.

Which means you need to know every charachteristic, details and stuff inside the reviewed object, because your review must be complete and give to the audience a 360 degress idea of what they are about to buy. It can happen that you decide not to talk about something, but you choose to do that, because you know that this detail is not crucial as a selling point or it is not crucial for the product itself.

Knowledge of what you are reviewing is crucial, because without it, reviewing something is not the right way for you.


Last, but not the least, you need money. If you want to review the latest iPhone, you need to buy it. In the beginning you are not big or influent, so companies would not send you the new product for free, just to make sure you can talk about it.

So, you need to buy it. Have you an idea of how expencive technology can be? We talk about thousands of dollars you need to spend in order to have what you need to make your community and create a name for yourself. And it’s not certain that you will make it. The same idea can be related to everything. If you want review a restaurant, you need to get there and spend money to eat there, maybe more than once.

In the beginning, the only way you have to get your hands on something is buying it and it can become very expencive, forcing you to have very hard time to keep the pace with the progress and the news.

final conclusions.

Being a reviewer it is a pretty tricky path to walk on. Not only you need to spend money on the product you want to review, but also you need to know every single litle details about it and choose wisely what to say and what not. More than that, you can face critics, insults and bad judgments because you are not good enough for the people, who are watching or reading what you have to say.

Thanks for reading. If you like the post, feel free to leave a like, a comment and don’t forget to follow my blog and share the content on your social media.

With Love


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