Money From The Sky!

I think this is a kind of coincidence. I was thinking about it this morning before to get up and have my Sunday breakfast. To be honest, every single one of us have thought about it. Maybe for some of us it is only “dreaming with eyes opened”, but for other is something to count on to build our future. Years ago, for me was a goal to achieve, because winning so much money will save your life forever. However, we all know that this is almost impossible. I said almost, because someone won the lottery. So, getting rich in this way it is not impossible. Now, today’s Bloganuary daily prompt question is the following one:

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

There are people who have a lot of plans if they won the lottery. This is not a bad way to prepare yourself in case you become millionaire. But this is not something good for me. In my mind i have only three things i would do if i became rich.

Leaving my job.

This is the first thing i would do. In this society, we work for money. In the moment you won the money you need to live your life, without working another day in your life, why should you spend all day working? I am not saying you should automatically leave the job as soon as you win, because maybe you love what you do and leaving is for you not an option. For me it is.

With such a big bank account, there is no need to wake up early, move from my home and spend time somewhere to make money. Right now, i like my job. I can move my body and i make a little money, just to keep this blog working. But if i had the opportunity to quit, i would take it immediately. Sorry, but i want to use every single second i have in my life, until my death, to do what i want to do.

buying my house.

In this exact moment, i still live with my family. The money i make with the job are not enough to afford a house. I Germany, it doesn’t matter if you work all day or not, if you are alone, money are almost all the time not enough to pay what you need to pay. To be honest, i lived alone for a little while, because money were enough and the price were not that high.

Then, i had to leave the job and take care of my mental health. In the meantime, everything becomes too expencive and i right now i can’t afford to pay a rent or even buying a house. With millions in my bank account, i can really afford not only to buy a house, but to create the perfect place i need to express myself. Right now, i have no other way to think of a house. It would be great to buy a house with the money i earned with the hard work, but i can’t. Maybe things will change, but i don’t see the change happenin gin the short terms.

enjoying life.

This is the thing to do with the richness. Every hour, every minute, every second will me for me. I will not have to dedicate my time to someone else, in order to make money. I will get up from my bed, in my dream house, knowing that i can do whatever i want, without having any kind of worries about money, because i will have always money on my side.

I think that there is nothing more to say. Winning the lottery will mean freedom. And this the ultimate goal we all have: being free amd happy.

final conclusions.

This is the things i would do in my life, if i won the lottery: leaving my job, buying my perfect place and enjoy life. We don’t need more to be happy in life, don’t you think?

Thanks for reading. If you like the post, feel free to leave a like, a comment and don’t forget to follow my blog and share the content on your social media.

With Love


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