100 Followers…Thank you!

Hello, wonderful people of wordpress! This is going to be a quick post, but this is a little milestone i have reached and i wanted to share with you, giving the fact that those, who read my post, comes from this wonderful platform.

Today started as a normal day. I woke up every day, i had breakfast like i usually do and i clean myself, like every single human being should do. Then i started to do some fitness and i started my daily journey into daily trading. The fitness went well, trading not so much.

Then i opened wordpress and i took a look at all of the notification i received during the night. They were not a lot, but i appreciated every single one of them. I mean, someone somewhere liked read my post and he/she liked it. It gives you a very good feeling knowing that your content are appreciated by people even on the other side of the planet.

The “problem”, even if it is not a problem at all, is that the count of my followers was still of 99. It was 99 since days. I had nothing with the number 99 or with the fact that i had 99 followers. I just don’t like the number. In my mind 99 is a joke, because you are so far away from 0 and very close to 100, but the triple digit is not there yet. I don’t want to say it was kind of frustrating, but it was a little bit annoying to see that i was one follower less that 100 and i was not be able to reach it. Then, finally, the follower 100 came. People, it is a good feeling to see that perfect number.

I just wanted to use this opportunity to thank you every single one of my followers and not followers to help me to reach this goal. I know that in the internet, people start to take you seriously on 1000 followers onwards, but right now, let me celebrate! I spend almost three months to get to 100 and i really want to look all day at that number.

Thank you so much to every single people here on WordPress to give me the opportunity to grow and also the opportunity to share my thoughts with all of you. Now the goal is 1000. I want to reach the fourth digit. I don’t know when it will happen, but it will happen. And i am sure i can count on your help, because you have not let me down until today, i am sure you are not going to do that right now. So, let’s grow together and make this place the best place in the internet.

Thank you so much!

With Love


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