How To Survive In Your Job.

Right now this post is related to every single person who has a job in a company. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to climb the ladder or you are happy with the postion you have. For every single employee there is a mantra that must be followed like a believer follow the Bible: you must have a reason to stay in the company. If people think you are useless, you will be replaced or even fired. I have seen it and live on my own skin. If you are not good enough, your boos will hire someone better than you.

So, right now i want to help you. The last thing you want is to lose a job, because you were not good enough. Are you ready to see how stupid a corporate life can become?

being persuasive.

A corporate job is a pretty weird balance bewteen give and take. Sometimes you give and sometimes you take. The problem is that we have too often the feeling that we give way more than what we take. As i said, this is a weird balance. The key to have an happy and maybe even successful corporate career is to become persuasive. You need to make sure that you take and you don’t have to give nothing in exchange.

Now, i don’t want to sound like a very mean person, but there are a reason why some women climb the ladder without doing basically nothing. It is because they are very persuacive sometimes. They know to look appealing and they know that men control the game. So, what do they do? They insinuate in the manager’s mind that there might be a chance with her and he will do everything.

I have seen it. I have seen women who used their appeal to convince the man in charge to give her a promotion. Sometimes was very well done (because being persuasive is an art), other time was like watching the beginning of a porn videos live at the very front row.

For a man is a little bit harder, both because we are not actually so good in that kind of game and because there are not so much women in charge. Even if the boss is a woman, she will never get into the trap, because she knows how the game works.


Every day is a new day. This is an obvious thing. Which means that anything can happen. It can be a boring day of a day full of things you need to do. To be honest, it doesn’t matter how the day is, there is alway something to learn. In busy days you can learn how to plan and prioritize what you need to do and in the day where you have nothing do you learn how to look that you are doing something. Trust me, it is not easy when you have nothing to do, but you must also make sure that people think you are doing something valuable. I learnt it in the hard way. Now as soon as i have nothing to do, i start to make something immediately. In this way nobody will aks me if i can do something else and i can enjoy the lazy time.

Days are not the only source to improve and learn. People also are, but not in the way you think. Right now i am not thinking about the relationship between “father and son”. My thought is more cinical than that. People are not perfect, which means they make mistakes. Use their mistakes to improve and don’t be in the same position yourself. Let other look stupid, so in the future you can look cool. Another thing people teach us, without teaching us anything, is how they kiss the boss ass. In every single company there is that person specifically designed and created to have his/her face well…you know where. Learn from them. You need to know how to make sure to be in that position…i tell you why a little later!

Being Selfish.

One rule you must follow, if you want to live happy: everyone is alone. You can talk with people, you can have even a good relationship and you can maybe share with this person moments outside the company. One thing is for sure: when we talk about business, he/she would not hesitate to squash you. It is nothing personal, it’s only that money and power is a good that everyone wants.

In a company you will be alone. You can have a good team you work with, but as soon as there is a open position of power, a war starts and everyone will go on everyone’s throat just to have that position. Don’t even think for one second that you will have friends in your workplace. If every single person will have the opportunity to throw you under the bus to save his/her job, they would not hesitate one second to do that.

You have to think in the same way. Talk with everyone, but don’t trust anybody. Do you job, don’t rely on anybody and make sure to be always in the position to throw someone under the bus and not the way around. At the end of the day it’s all about money and surviving.

Bring your boss on your side.

I wrote a little bit earlier about kissing your boss ass. I know that you may say “i don’t want to do that! I have my pride!” I get that, however, someone around you, maybe even in your team, would do that and he/she will have a promotion with maybe a better work hours and more money, while you are always in the same position and you will be mad because he/she got promoted and you didn’t. What can i say? Swallow your pride and do what you had to do.

If the boss ask you something, do it. If you boss tells a joke, you laugh. If your boss throw a party, be there with a good bottle of wine. Do whatever it takes to make you boss happy. In this way you might have a better chance to climb the ladder and have more money and a prestigios position. We all know that preparation and knowledge doesn’t mean anything in a company. What really matter is the connection you can make with the key people, to make sure to be at the very top, very soon.

It easier said than done, because not everyone is willing to make the boss look cool and feed his/her ego. However, remember that you are alone in a company and everyone is doing exactly that. One day, when the position will be opened, if you have made you boss happy, maybe the place is yours, otherwise you can easily say “i have no chance!”, because you will not have a chance, given the fact you boss maybe will not even know you exist.

be essencial.

If you don’t want to lick your boss ass, there is another path you can choose: becoming essencial. In every company there is the guy /girl who knows everything. In my entire life i have seen at least one in every company. Usually, he/she is the person you talk when you have a problem, but you don’t want to go to your boss. Well, this is the kind of person you must become.

You must become the person that can solve every single problem. The perfect way would be that you are the only one can solve things. But, your goal is not helping your collegues. That would be stupid. From them, you can have nothing. They can’t do nothing to let you become bigger. More than that, if you help your collegues, they will sell the story that they do everything on their own, without any help whatsoever. The only person you must help is your boss…and i am not talking about your team leader, i am talking about the one who takes the decision.

However you should not do that for free. Because that person might not the chairman, but only a manager or the division direction. That person can also say that he/she solved the problem without any help. Your skills, knowledge and ability have a price. Do people want you help and you are the last hope? Fine, you name the price, you make him/her sign the deal and then you help. Don’t trust anybody, remember? You must be always in the position of power.

final thought.

Working in a company is a jungle full of snakes. People will fake to be your friends, but as soon as they have the opportunity to be promoted and they need to sacrifice you, they will do it. Your way to be happy in a company is to be always in a position of power and create that network of connection you can use to climb the ladder. Trust me, it is better to be the master of putter than the puppet.

Thanks for reading. If you like the post, feel free to leave a like, a comment and don’t forget to follow my blog and share the content on your social media.

With Love


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