The Leader We Need!

I have already talked about how the perfect boss must be in order to lead a company into a bright future. That was, however, related to a person in charge of a business. Today’s bloganuary daily prompt is related to something bigger and more specifically:

What makes a good leader?

Right now, my mind is understanding something way bigger than just a simple boss in a single company. Right now, i want to talk about what a president of a country must have in order to be good. Because, let’s talk about it: no matter where we are, politicians are all bad. The question is: what must a president must have to be considered worthy? Let’s find out together.

No ideology.

Once you are the president of a country, every single citizen is your boss. Which means that you must make everyone happy. Of course, it’s impossible. However, once someone becomes president, he/she should forget about the position he/she was before the win of the election.

It is not fair to be in charge and priorities only one side of the popuplation and the rest is considered only when there is time to do so. Even if people didn’t vote for you, they have the same right of those who voted you. More than that, their lives are affected by your choices just as much as every single of your supporter. As a president, you have the responsibility to take care of everyone and think of every single person as equal.

In order to do that, you must forget about your ideology. Once you are the president, what the people say and want is what you must follow. There is no space for what you believe. Do people want something? This is exactly what you must give them. You have no other option. There are for sure things you may maybe do on your own, but the majority of the time, your duty is to do what the population wants, no matter if it is against what you preach.


However, sometimes (well, pretty often) what the population wants is not exactly an easy task. This is the problem: people want politics to solve the problems immediately. For some people, everything must be solved altogether, just snapping the fingers. This is a fantasy world. We all know that a country is way much more complicated than that.

It will happen that the government tries to do something, but this something is not a good move. Or maybe it is a good move, but the people see the thing in a different way. I know that you are thinking that once you are in charge, people are not that important anymore. I want to remember that every four/five years, there is the election, and if you haven’t done something good, you are out of power. So, people are important because you want to keep the power in your hands.

With that being said, being a good president means that you can make approve something that it can be good for everyone. These results can be reached only with diplomacy. The president must sit together with the people and talk. In the beginning, the position will be pretty distant, but the more people talk, the more the parties can find a common ground where they can find an agreement that can be decent for everyone. This is how a good president works… and this is how a good president keeps the power in his/her hands.

Nobody is lefd behind.

What i mean with “nobody is left behind” is that it doesn’t matter if you are rich or not, if you are straight or gay, if you are white of black. The president must think in the same way to every single person in the country. There must not be better people just because they invest in the party you are connected to.

A president must see people as taxpayers. Nothing more, nothing less. I pay the taxes as a rich person. So, i have the same duty and right than any other people in the country. Sometimes i felt left alone, when the conservatives are in power, because they think mostly of rich people and company and since i am not rich, i have to deal with politics that don’t help me to live better. This is unfair. We are citizens, and we all have the same needs. We want good school, a good healthcare system, safety, and opportunity to enjoy lives. That doesn’t change if i am poor or not.

More than that, i see always people in big trouble left alone. Those people end up often living on the street without a home. Maybe they were people with a job, but since that politics was more focused on protecting rich people’s interest that the poor people’s need, they lost everything, and the country was not there to help. A good president must find a good balance between making rich people happy and giving other people to live a decent life. Sadly, something like that never happened.

Looking at the future.

Being a president means leading a country for the next five years. If you are stupid, the only thing you would do is to keep things as they are. That move is stupid because people don’t like to see a president who doesn’t do anything to improve things.

The main duty of being president is to give to the next generation a better country than he/she found in the beginning. This means that he/she must always have to look at tomorrow and not at today. What really matters is at the end of the four/five years and see where you are compared to what you had in the past. The best thing to do is to set a reasonable goal that you and the people you are leading want to achieve. After that, you need to take a closer look at the current situation. Once you know what the situation looks like, it’s time to move and go into that future. It doesn’t matter if that future will be reached in five or more years. Maybe some reforms you did will pay off only once you are gone.

The point is that a president must improve the situation he/she has. There is only something to improve. Time and people change and the country must change accordingly to always stay in the right position. keeping the situation as it is and not improving or changing is like being blind…and there is nothing better that blind government, because if politics don’t do things when they must be done, doing them later can be nonsense, useless or even dangerous.


A good president must be informed about what happened around him/her. It can be something global, like a war or a financial crisis, or something local, like maybe a trend on the internet.

The person in charge of a country must be surrounded by people that tell him/her what’s going on, because the more he/she knows, the more it can be in the position to understand the mood of the country and act accordingly. For example, if on social media people are making fun of something, it can be a good thing, but it can also be a problem. The president must know. Well, maybe he/she must not know directly, but someone in his/her stuff must tell him/her that something is good or bad.

The more a president is informed, the more he/she is able to understand how the world is and where people are going and what they are thinking. This is crucial, because if you know immediately what is not good, you can act very quick and people will be happy, because “the president know what is going on in the country and he/she know what to do!”. That means people happy and you will keep your place of power for a very long time.

Final Conclusions.

This is my opinion, how a good president must be. I know, maybe you may think it’s a little bit utopic, but to be honest it think it’s not. The only thing i am asking to be good is listening, acting accordingly and being informed. Do you think it is a lot to ask? Let me know…

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With Love


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